Friday, April 15, 2011


I cannot begin to describe how much I miss home. How much, I miss just hanging out with my family and friends and talking about irrelevant stuff. It has been so long since I just sat in the comfort of my home and watched television with my sister and fight over remote, it has been too long since I slept hugging Papa's bit tummy. I miss my grandmother waking my up every morning just to ask me what I wanted to eat, even if it is just 6 in the morning or how Grandpa would just watch news the whole the day, trying to surf channels just to find something interesting on T.V. and my dog getting restless because she wants to do her business.
It is so hard sometimes to be so far away from family. I miss India. The peculiar smell of pollution, dust and  curry which I grew up with. The noise of pressure cooker coming every evening, from every house. The aromatic smell of incense when Dadi does pooja, or the loud voices we all Indians talk in. I miss sometimes the absurd freedom of traffic...the honking which never stops even at night. I miss how all the neighbours come and visit you even if you don't want them to, or how sometime Papa would take us to India gate for 2 rupees ice cream all the way from Noida or how my sister and I would fight over dresses or anything at all. I miss seeing Dimpi stare herself for hours in the mirror and never get tired of looking herself in the mirror or how my Grandmother would be walking around the house doing her chores. I miss the calm face of my grandpa on which his whole life is etched and how much time he takes to complete a sentence or how Papa would touch my forehead when I am sick. I miss you all so much.
I wish I was there, it is my home and always will be. I just want to tell you all I love so much, you all made me, me.
How far I have come, too far.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Listen to what people are saying!

Gosh how long has it been since I last visited, I guess work does that to you.
I am quite happy where I am now as it doesn't involve just collecting money from people but also being able to help them. For example setting up payment plans, referring them to hardship and even giving them extension. I listen so so many problems a day, how many things are happening and we don't even realise as long as things are going ok with us.
A couple of days back i spoke a lady who just lost her mother, when she answered i could hear in her voice that she was crying, I asked her if she was and she told me her Mum passed away right in front of her eyes a couple of weeks back and she is missing her. The way she was crying, my heart sank and i had tear in my eyes but that wasn't the worst part, she also threatened to kill herself, I was so scared for her safety that I called my team leader. My team leader sat next to me and heard the call and she called the crisis management, I spoke to the lady for at least 40 minutes trying to listen to her, calm her down- like i said in my previous blog, sometimes people just want to be heard even if it is just a stranger that they are talking to. I wanted to call her back and check if she was ok but I am not authorised to do so, I hope she is alright where ever she is and things get better for her.
So, I realised that it is not as bad a job as I thought it would be, I guess I always enjoyed listening to peoples problems and helping them out, it is not always possible but atleast I am trying.