Sunday, April 25, 2010

Alone time.

I am a people person, I love being surrounded by people almost all the time. I guess most of us enjoy being surrounded by friends, family or even strangers. We just try to lose ourselves in other people's company, we forget about our problems, laugh and mostly over all feel happy. But does our happiness have to be completely dependent on others?

Not so long back, we had a flatmate, her biggest fear was of being alone. To avoid being alone she would call up her friends, party all night, chat online and basically do everything in her power to be away from herself. There was a sense of restlessness about her. She was always trying to keep herself busy, put music really loud and it always seemed to me that she was hiding not only from something but someone...herself. One day I even confronted her about her restlessness and her lack of ability to sit still alone in one room for more than two minutes. When asked, she didn't know why she didn't want to be alone but she said that she sometimes feels too lonely and gets suicidal when alone, few proofs were marked on her wrist. To me it came as a surprise. As much as I like company of other, I do wish to have some quite time for myself. Like every night after my husband sleeps I sit somewhere and write or every morning I wake up, I start to paint in my so called studio, so for me it was hard to comprehend. I mean one understands that it can be sometimes boring to sit by yourself but suicidal? Seriously?

 What is it that scares us so much about being alone? Why do we look for ourselves in others? Everyday I see people making plans, talking for hours on phone, texting, chatting and messaging each other on face book. I agree that interacting with other people is very healthy but what is this unnecessary compulsion to do any of the above all the time. Why are we so afraid of being alone with ourselves? We came to this earth alone and we are definitely going to die alone, then, what is so wrong in being alone? I realised that I am at my best when I am alone. I paint well, I cook well, I even write well when I am alone because there is no one to judge me, no one to interfere with my work, no one to tell me what to do. So, spend some quality alone time with yourself, discover new things about yourself, observe yourself and you might just learn a new thing about yourself that might change your life. If you are scared to be alone because you have done something wrong, forgive yourself, If you are scared of being alone because you miss someone, then think about the happy times and you will be surprised how happy you would feel later, if you are avoiding being alone for any reason overcome that fear and you will see that you will never have to look for happiness anywhere else because you will find it all within yourself.

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