Saturday, April 17, 2010


Has anyone ever wondered how we have come to this point of life where everything is about Materialist pleasures. Its all about how much money we have, how many shoes bags, cars etc.Every day we are battling against time, brain storming with ourselves about money, money and more money.

 I envy animals, they have nothing to worry about no one to impress, no rents to pay, and yet they survive and seem perfectly happy with what they have. We on the other hand are never happy with what we have. We want more, we never ask for anything less. Who gave us the power to decided what is best for the world. First we made or invented things that led to global warming and now, "We"want to resolve the issue. Who are we, anyway?. Technically we are animals too. We humans decided that we are smarter than all the other species and thus decided that we should control everything in the world but why? Ultimately the truth is that we are going to die and all the medicines, surgeries, eating healthy is not going to help. I am not saying that just because all of us are going to die we should just adopt an unhealthy life style, but for some reason I don't see the point of any of this.

 Land was to all the species, then when did it become my land or yours? Countries fight over land, people die for land, people kill for land...why? I am from India, from an Army background, I saw my father aimlessly protect our country from terrorism, but why did India and pakistan or any other country become a country at the first place? I wish it was all one nation where we all did what we wanted to do, fly where we wanted to, go and live anywhere we want. See the world from a birds eye and pay no taxes, or APPLY to be a permanent resident. I wish all the countries would open their arms to all the nations without racism, caste, or creed. These all were man made things...just like God. We created God, a belief a faith to bank on without even knowing of its existence, something to bank on when we didn't have all the answers, WE painted a picture of Him or her without ever seeing him in person, who decided how jesus looked like, we haven't seen him its an image of that is being passed down from generation to generation what if we missed a step? are we so naive that even the picture of God has been chosen for us? Will we believe everything that has been fed to us by media, markets, advertisements or priests? They make us believe its the truth that they are bringing to us but what is the truth, there is no truth just like there are no lies. There s nothing right or wrong all illusions. They decide-we believe...BLIND FAITH.  Like fashion...who decides what is fashionable? We all have brains and capabilities to dress ourselves but its all about designer labels, best has become a substance of desire than basic necessity. Do designers have that much of power over us that they can decide what is IN and what is OUT? We own ourselves and we should decide whats best for us.

I come from a middle class family which was below middle class once upon a time, We had a scooter and four of us (My Father, Mother sister and I) would just travel on that from one state to the other, we didn't have colour television or cable at that time, no WII or playstations either, no mobile phones no internet and we were much happier then because we invented games and used our brains. We played outside so we made friends and went to each others homes. Now, when we want to talk we call on mobiles, or just pop in a message on facebook, instead of going out for walks in fresh air we want to go to clubs, movies and malls where every thing boils down to the same old thing...Money. We try to buy happiness, we will even spend our last penny to buy happiness. I am not saying that money is not important, in this materialistic world money is the only survival factor but doesn't it make you sad to know that we are controlled by a piece of paper.
I know I am no the only one who has asked this question to ourselves especially when we are tight on our budget but all I am saying is that Today, just today, right now lets go out sit anywhere...on the beach in our gardens, next to a road.. in the park and do some introspection. Make friends with ourselves, how long has it been since we asked ourselves WHAT DO I TRUELY WANT? Lets Talk to ourselves, find ourselves in us and not in others or movies(like I sometimes do...*grins*). Help others, smile, love and  just be nice, let us throw away the garbage of hatred or selfishness and be what we really want to be because these are the only things that don't cost money and still make you happy :)
Someone once said "If you see a person without a smile give him one of yours".

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