Sunday, April 18, 2010

What is real?

I am sure that all of us at one point has wondered,"what is real"? I don't know if any of us have found an answer with a proof yet.

 Today, I was just sitting outside in my backyard and saw a mushroom growing at the almost dead patch of grass. I hadn't see it earlier, maybe I missed or it just takes it a day or two to grow, but the point is, WAS IT REAL? Of course, I could feel it, see it,  maybe even smell it if I moved to close (which I did). So, I should believe that its real, right. Now, think about brain sent me a signal when I saw it and touched it and then it believed that it is real because we have been taught that everything that you can feel, touch, smell, see etc. is real. So, if someone hypnotised me today into believing that it in-fact does not exist then would it become unreal to me. Or if a schizophrenic saw it for whom, every thing unreal is  real as well, would he believe it is real or unreal? Do you also sometimes wonder like I do, if we all see the same thing as they truly are? that is if they exist. I know it sounds crazy, but do you sometimes look around you and feel that you are the only living creature and rest are all a part of your imagination or like its a world that you have created for yourself?  
And then, sometimes I wonder if its all a dream...because come to think of it when we dream, we are doing something then as well, we are still feeling things, seeing things and everything looks natural and real. We don't think then, that we might be asleep we just live a life too in our dreams just like we do when when we are awake, we see same people in our dream world too and do the usual stuff as well which seems perfectly real.  
The question that bothers me is not only the existence of everything around me but my existence as well.  Also, if what I see is what you see, if what I feel is what you feel. Do I look exactly like the way I see myself in the mirror, is my husband appearance in everyones else's eyes the same. I am sure he is, but come to think of it, its only our brain that decides what what is. What we see ourselves as (bodies) doesn't actually matter. Ultimately, we are our brain, our body is just an accessory for it.

Sometimes, we say 'but my HEART THINKS it is wrong'. What is heart, it is just an organ pumping blood, it doesn't think, it cannot think, its the brain (which is also just and organ) that does all the thinking, its the brain that falls in love, feels sad etc. ultimately its our brain that makes us believe that the mushroom does actually exist. So, what the hell as long my brain thinks its there, its there. 

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